
Sunday, November 29, 2009


Latex citation with odd initials

> 2) for some bibliographic entries (books in particular) it puts the
> initial while not in articles, so I get things like R. Feenstra (2004)
> for a book. Is there a way to tell it never to put initials

You probably have two entries for people with the same last name and
different spellings for the first name or middle initial. If that
author is really unique withing your references section, then check
the other entries and be sure that the spellings are exactly the same--
including middle name or middle initial.


Saturday, November 21, 2009


Praat read all textgrid in

################################################################ ###  Read in all .wav files and .TextGrid files in a directory ### ### Pauline Welby ### welby@ling.ohio-state.edu ### July 2002 ###  ### works with Praat 4.3.29 ################################################################  # This is a form that queries the user to specify the  name of  # the directory that contains the files to be worked on  form Input directory name with final slash     comment Enter directory where soundfiles are kept:     sentence soundDir E:\PRAAT\TUTORIALS\SOUNDFILES\SET2     comment Enter directory where TextGrids are kept:     sentence textDir E:\PRAAT\TUTORIALS\SOUNDFILES\SET2     comment Enter directory where list files are kept:     sentence listDir E:\PRAAT\TUTORIALS\LISTS endform  # lists all .wav files Create Strings as file list... list 'soundDir$'\*.wav  ## Uncomment following line to read in files from a list # Read Strings from raw text file... 'listDir$'\list.txt  # loop that goes through all files  numberOfFiles = Get number of strings for ifile to numberOfFiles    select Strings list    fileName$ = Get string... ifile    baseFile$ = fileName$ - ".wav"     # Read in the Sound files and TextGrid files with that base name     Read from file... 'soundDir$'\'baseFile$'.wav    #Read from file... 'textDir$'\'baseFile$'.TextGrid  endfor ################################################################ #END OF SCRIPT ################################################################

Saturday, November 07, 2009



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