Monday, February 23, 2009
Most Updated Tex file
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
% based on Harish Bhanderi's PhD/MPhil template, then Uni Cambridge
% http://www-h.eng.cam.ac.uk/help/tpl/textprocessing/ThesisStyle/
% corrected and extended in 2007 by Jakob Suckale, then MPI-CBG PhD programme
% and made available through OpenWetWare.org - the free biology wiki
%: Style file for Latex
% Most style definitions are in the external file PhDthesisPSnPDF.
% In this template package, it can be found in ./Latex/Classes/
\usepackage{D:/R-2.4.1/share/texmf/Sweave}%added 17:08 21Feb
%: Macro file for Latex
% Macros help you summarise frequently repeated Latex commands.
% Here, they are placed in an external file /Latex/Macros/MacroFile1.tex
% An macro that you may use frequently is the figuremacro (see introduction.tex)
%: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
%: TITLE PAGE: name, degree,..
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
% below is to generate the title page with crest and author name
%if output to PDF then put the following in PDF header
\pdfinfo { /Title (PhD and MPhil Thesis Classes)
/Creator (TeX)
/Producer (pdfTeX)
/Author (YourName your@email.net)
/CreationDate (D:YYYYMMDDhhmmss) %format D:YYYYMMDDhhmmss
/ModDate (D:YYYYMMDDhhmm)
/Subject (xyz)
/Keywords (add, your, keywords, here) }
\pdfcatalog { /PageMode (/UseOutlines)
/OpenAction (fitbh) }
\title{Online processing of source text in translation}
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
% The section below defines www links/email for author and institutions
% They will appear on the title page of the PDF and can be clicked
% \cityofbirth{born in XYZ} % uncomment this if your university requires this
% % If city of birth is required, also uncomment 2 sections in PhDthesisPSnPDF
% % Just search for the "city" and you'll find them.
% The crest is a graphics file of the logo of your research institution.
% Place it in ./0_frontmatter/figures and specify the width
% If you are not creating a PDF then use the following. The default is PDF.
\author{Ya-shyuan Jin}
% \cityofbirth{born in XYZ}
\university{The University of Edinburgh}
%\renewcommand{\submittedtext}{change the default text here if needed}
\degree{Philosophi\ae Doctor (PhD), DPhil,..}
\degreedate{year month}
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
% turn of those nasty overfull and underfull hboxes
%: --------------------------------------------------------------
%: FRONT MATTER: dedications, abstract,..
% --------------------------------------------------------------
% sets line spacing
\baselineskip=18pt plus1pt
%: ----------------------- generate cover page ------------------------
\maketitle % command to print the title page with above variables
%: ----------------------- cover page back side ------------------------
% Your research institution may require reviewer names, etc.
% This cover back side is required by Dresden Med Fac; uncomment if needed.
1. Reviewer: Name
2. Reviewer:
Day of the defense:
\hspace{70mm}Signature from head of PhD committee:
%: ----------------------- abstract ------------------------
% Your institution may have specific regulations if you need an abstract and where it is to be placed in the document. The default here is just after title.
% The original template provides and abstractseparate environment, if your institution requires them to be separate. I think it's easier to print the abstract from the complete thesis by restricting printing to the relevant page.
% \begin{abstractseparate}
% \input{Abstract/abstract}
% \end{abstractseparate}
%: ----------------------- tie in front matter ------------------------
%: ----------------------- contents ------------------------
\setcounter{secnumdepth}{3} % organisational level that receives a numbers
\setcounter{tocdepth}{3} % print table of contents for level 3
\tableofcontents % print the table of contents
% levels are: 0 - chapter, 1 - section, 2 - subsection, 3 - subsection
%: ----------------------- list of figures/tables ------------------------
\listoffigures % print list of figures
\listoftables % print list of tables
%: ----------------------- glossary ------------------------
% Tie in external source file for definitions: /0_frontmatter/glossary.tex
% Glossary entries can also be defined in the main text. See glossary.tex
\begin{multicols}{2} % \begin{multicols}{#columns}[header text][space]
\begin{footnotesize} % scriptsize(7) <>
\printnomenclature[1.5cm] % [] = distance between entry and description
\label{nom} % target name for links to glossary
%: --------------------------------------------------------------
% --------------------------------------------------------------
% the main text starts here with the introduction, 1st chapter,...
\renewcommand{\chaptername}{} % uncomment to print only "1" not "Chapter 1"
%: ----------------------- subdocuments ------------------------
% Parts of the thesis are included below. Rename the files as required.
% But take care that the paths match. You can also change the order of appearance by moving the include commands.
\include{1_introduction/introduction} % background information
\include{2/aims} % aims of the project
\include{7/discussion} % discussion of results
\include{8/materials_methods} % description of lab methods
% --------------------------------------------------------------
%: BACK MATTER: appendices, refs,..
% --------------------------------------------------------------
% the back matter: appendix and references close the thesis
%: ----------------------- bibliography ------------------------
% The section below defines how references are listed and formatted
% The default below is 2 columns, small font, complete author names.
% Entries are also linked back to the page number in the text and to external URL if provided in the BibTex file.
% PhDbiblio-url2 = names small caps, title bold & hyperlinked, link to page
% --------------------------------------------------------------
% Various bibliography styles exit. Replace above style as desired.
% in-text refs: (1) (1; 2)
% ref list: alphabetical; author(s) in small caps; initials last name; page(s)
%\bibliographystyle{Latex/Classes/PhDbiblio-case} % title forced lower case
%\bibliographystyle{Latex/Classes/PhDbiblio-bold} % title as in bibtex but bold
%\bibliographystyle{Latex/Classes/PhDbiblio-url} % bold + www link if provided
%\bibliographystyle{Latex/Classes/jmb} % calls style file jmb.bst
% in-text refs: author (year) without brackets
% ref list: alphabetical; author(s) in normal font; last name, initials; page(s)
%\bibliographystyle{plainnat} % calls style file plainnat.bst
% in-text refs: author (year) without brackets
% (this works with package natbib)
\bibliographystyle{Latex/Classes/apa} % Title is link if provided
\renewcommand{\bibname}{References} % changes the header; default: Bibliography
\bibliography{9_backmatter/WM_Language} % adjust this to fit your BibTex file
% --------------------------------------------------------------
% according to Dresden med fac summary has to be at the end
%: Declaration of originality
Document Class -- apacite
% PhDthesis version 2 style file by Jakob Suckale, 2007
% based on CUEDthesis version 1 by Harish Bhanderi 2002
%-------------------------- identification ---------------------
\ProvidesClass{Latex/Classes/PhDthesisPSnPDF}[2007/09/06 v2 PhD thesis class]
%:-------------------------- report or book -----------------------
%If you want to use a Report style document then uncomment the following 3 lines and comment the below 8 book style lines:
% \LoadClass[dvips, a4paper]{report}
% \LoadClass[pdftex, a4paper]{report}
%%uncomment next line to change bibliography name to references for Report document class
%If you want to use a Book style document then uncomment the following 3 lines and comment the above 8 report style lines:
\LoadClass[dvips, a4paper]{book}
\LoadClass[pdftex, a4paper]{book}
%:-------------------------- packages for fancy things -----------------------
\usepackage{graphics} % for improved inclusion of graphics
%\usepackage{wrapfig} % to include figure with text wrapping around it
\usepackage[margin=10pt,font=small,labelfont=bf]{caption} % for improved layout of figure captions with extra margin, smaller font than text
\usepackage{fancyhdr} % for better header layout
\usepackage[usenames, dvipsnames]{color}
\usepackage{multicol} % for pages with multiple text columns, e.g. References
\setlength{\columnsep}{20pt} % space between columns; default 10pt quite narrow
\usepackage[nottoc]{tocbibind} % correct page numbers for bib in TOC, nottoc suppresses an entry for TOC itself
%:-------------------------- Glossary/Abbrev./Symbols -----------------------
\usepackage[intoc]{nomencl} % load nomencl extension; include in TOC
%\nomrefpage % to include page numbers after abbrevations
\renewcommand{\nomname}{Glossary} % rename nomenclature
\renewcommand{\nomlabel}[1]{\textbf{#1}} % make abbreviations bold
\makenomenclature % used to be \makeglossary
\newcommand{\g}{\footnote{For all abbreviations see the glossary on page \pageref{nom}.}} % type "\g" to refer to glossary
% used to be for sorting into categories:
% \ifthenelse{\equal{#1}{A}}{%
% \item[\textbf{Roman Symbols}] }{% A - Roman
% \ifthenelse{\equal{#1}{G}}{%
% \item[\textbf{Greek Symbols}]}{% G - Greek
% \ifthenelse{\equal{#1}{R}}{%
% \item[\textbf{Superscripts}]}{% R - Superscripts
% \ifthenelse{\equal{#1}{S}}{%
% \item[\textbf{Subscripts}]}{{% S - Subscripts
% \ifthenelse{\equal{#1}{X}}{%
% \item[\textbf{Other Symbols}]}{{% X - Other Symbols
% \ifthenelse{\equal{#1}{Z}}{%
% \item[\textbf{Acronyms}]}% Z - Acronyms
% {{}}}}}}}}}}
%:-------------------------- PDF/PS setup -----------------------
\newif \ifpdf
\ifx \pdfoutput \undefined
% for running latex
% for running pdflatex
\pdfoutput = 1 % positive value for a PDF output
% otherwise a DVI
%--> Google.com search "hyperref options"
%--> http://www.ai.mit.edu/lab/sysadmin/latex/documentation/latex/hyperref/manual.pdf
%--> http://www.chemie.unibas.ch/~vogtp/LaTeX2PDFLaTeX.pdf
%--> http://www.uni-giessen.de/partosch/eurotex99/ oberdiek/print/sli4a4col.pdf
%--> http://me.in-berlin.de/~miwie/tex-refs/html/latex-packages.html
\usepackage[ pdftex, plainpages = false, pdfpagelabels,
pdfpagelayout = useoutlines,
bookmarksopen = true,
bookmarksnumbered = true,
breaklinks = true,
colorlinks = false, % was true
linkcolor = blue,
urlcolor = blue,
citecolor = red,
anchorcolor = green,
hyperindex = true,
\DeclareGraphicsExtensions{.png, .jpg, .jpeg, .pdf, .gif} %GIF doesn't work??
\usepackage[ dvips,
bookmarksopen = true,
bookmarksnumbered = true,
breaklinks = true,
colorlinks = true,
linkcolor = blue,
urlcolor = blue,
citecolor = red,
anchorcolor = green,
hyperindex = true,
\DeclareGraphicsExtensions{.eps, .ps}
%:-------------------------- page layout -----------------------
%A4 settings
%: Uncomment this secion for two-sided printing
% ------------------------------
%: Uncomment this secion for one-sided printing
% taken from the original file, but with the first two lanes modified
% ------------------------------
%\setlength{\evensidemargin}{1.9cm} % was 1.96cm in original
%\setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-0.001cm} % was -0.54cm in original file
%: section below defines fancy page layout options
% ------------------------------
\renewcommand{\chaptermark}[1]{\markboth{\MakeUppercase{\thechapter. #1 }}{}}
\renewcommand{\sectionmark}[1]{\markright{\thesection\ #1}}
%:-------------------------- title page layout -----------------------
% starts roman page numbering until chapter 1
% important to avoid two pages numbered 1 and 2 which may cause bad links
% bug: cover i + back side ii and then numbering restarts with i; should be iii
\newcommand{\submittedtext}{{A thesis submitted for the degree of}}
% These macros are used to declare arguments needed for the
% construction of the title page and other preamble.
% The year and term the degree will be officially conferred
% The full (unabbreviated) name of the degree
% The name of your college or department(eg. Trinity, Pembroke, Maths, Physics)
% The name of your University
% Defining the crest
% Stating the city of birth for title page where needed; uncommented for use
% These macros define an environment for front matter that is always
% single column even in a double-column document.
%define title page layout
% \null\vfill
{ \Huge {\bfseries {\@title}} \par}
{\large \vspace*{35mm} {{\@crest} \par} \vspace*{25mm}}
{{\Large \@author} \par}
% \vspace*{1ex}
% {{\@cityofbirth} \par}
{{\@collegeordept} \par}
{{\@university} \par}
{{\submittedtext} \par}
{\it {\@degree} \par}
}%end large
% page number for cover back side should have page number blanked
%:-------------------------- front matter layout -----------------------
% The dedication environment makes sure the dedication gets its
% own page and is set out in verse format.
\begin{quote} \begin{center}}
{\end{center} \end{quote} \end{alwayssingle}}
% The acknowledgements environment puts a large, bold, centered
% "Acknowledgements" label at the top of the page. The acknowledgements
% themselves appear in a quote environment, i.e. tabbed in at both sides, and
% on its own page.
{\Large \bfseries Acknowledgements}
% The acknowledgementslong environment puts a large, bold, centered
% "Acknowledgements" label at the top of the page. The acknowledgement itself
% does not appears in a quote environment so you can get more in.
{\Large \bfseries Acknowledgements}
%The abstract environment puts a large, bold, centered "Abstract" label at
%the top of the page. The abstract itself appears in a quote environment,
%i.e. tabbed in at both sides, and on its own page.
\newenvironment{abstracts} {\begin{alwayssingle} \pagestyle{empty}
{\Large \bfseries Abstract}
%The abstractlong environment puts a large, bold, centered "Abstract" label at
%the top of the page. The abstract itself does not appears in a quote
%environment so you can get more in.
\newenvironment{abstractslong} {\begin{alwayssingle} \pagestyle{empty}
{\Large \bfseries Abstract}
\vspace{0.5cm} \begin{quote}}
%The abstractseparate environment is for running of a page with the abstract
%on including title and author etc as required to be handed in separately
\newenvironment{abstractseparate} {\begin{alwayssingle} \pagestyle{empty}
{ \Large {\bfseries {\@title}} \par}
{{\large \vspace*{1ex} \@author} \par}
{\large \vspace*{1ex}
{{\@collegeordept} \par}
{{\@university} \par}
{{\it \submittedtext} \par}
{\it {\@degree} \par}
%Statement of originality if required
\newenvironment{declaration} {\begin{alwayssingle} \pagestyle{empty}
{\Large \bfseries Declaration}
%:-------------------------- page numbers: roman+arabic -----------------------
% The romanpages environment set the page numbering to lowercase roman one
% for the contents and figures lists. It also resets
% page-numbering for the remainder of the dissertation (arabic, starting at 1).
% \setcounter{page}{1}
% \renewcommand{\thepage}{\roman{page}}
%} % close romanpage env't
Thesis Latex
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
% based on Harish Bhanderi's PhD/MPhil template, then Uni Cambridge
% http://www-h.eng.cam.ac.uk/help/tpl/textprocessing/ThesisStyle/
% corrected and extended in 2007 by Jakob Suckale, then MPI-CBG PhD programme
% and made available through OpenWetWare.org - the free biology wiki
%: Style file for Latex
% Most style definitions are in the external file PhDthesisPSnPDF.
% In this template package, it can be found in ./Latex/Classes/
\usepackage{D:/R-2.4.1/share/texmf/Sweave}%added 17:08 21Feb
\usepackage{apacite}%: Macro file for Latex
% Macros help you summarise frequently repeated Latex commands.
% Here, they are placed in an external file /Latex/Macros/MacroFile1.tex
% An macro that you may use frequently is the figuremacro (see introduction.tex)
%: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
%: TITLE PAGE: name, degree,..
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
% below is to generate the title page with crest and author name
%if output to PDF then put the following in PDF header
\pdfinfo { /Title (PhD and MPhil Thesis Classes)
/Creator (TeX)
/Producer (pdfTeX)
/Author (YourName your@email.net)
/CreationDate (D:YYYYMMDDhhmmss) %format D:YYYYMMDDhhmmss
/ModDate (D:YYYYMMDDhhmm)
/Subject (xyz)
/Keywords (add, your, keywords, here) }
\pdfcatalog { /PageMode (/UseOutlines)
/OpenAction (fitbh) }
\title{Online processing of source text in translation}
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
% The section below defines www links/email for author and institutions
% They will appear on the title page of the PDF and can be clicked
% \cityofbirth{born in XYZ} % uncomment this if your university requires this
% % If city of birth is required, also uncomment 2 sections in PhDthesisPSnPDF
% % Just search for the "city" and you'll find them.
% The crest is a graphics file of the logo of your research institution.
% Place it in ./0_frontmatter/figures and specify the width
% If you are not creating a PDF then use the following. The default is PDF.
\author{Ya-shyuan Jin}
% \cityofbirth{born in XYZ}
\university{The University of Edinburgh}
%\renewcommand{\submittedtext}{change the default text here if needed}
\degree{Philosophi\ae Doctor (PhD), DPhil,..}
\degreedate{year month}
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
% turn of those nasty overfull and underfull hboxes
%: --------------------------------------------------------------
%: FRONT MATTER: dedications, abstract,..
% --------------------------------------------------------------
% sets line spacing
\baselineskip=18pt plus1pt
%: ----------------------- generate cover page ------------------------
\maketitle % command to print the title page with above variables
%: ----------------------- cover page back side ------------------------
% Your research institution may require reviewer names, etc.
% This cover back side is required by Dresden Med Fac; uncomment if needed.
1. Reviewer: Name
2. Reviewer:
Day of the defense:
\hspace{70mm}Signature from head of PhD committee:
%: ----------------------- abstract ------------------------
% Your institution may have specific regulations if you need an abstract and where it is to be placed in the document. The default here is just after title.
% The original template provides and abstractseparate environment, if your institution requires them to be separate. I think it's easier to print the abstract from the complete thesis by restricting printing to the relevant page.
% \begin{abstractseparate}
% \input{Abstract/abstract}
% \end{abstractseparate}
%: ----------------------- tie in front matter ------------------------
%: ----------------------- contents ------------------------
\setcounter{secnumdepth}{3} % organisational level that receives a numbers
\setcounter{tocdepth}{3} % print table of contents for level 3
\tableofcontents % print the table of contents
% levels are: 0 - chapter, 1 - section, 2 - subsection, 3 - subsection
%: ----------------------- list of figures/tables ------------------------
\listoffigures % print list of figures
\listoftables % print list of tables
%: ----------------------- glossary ------------------------
% Tie in external source file for definitions: /0_frontmatter/glossary.tex
% Glossary entries can also be defined in the main text. See glossary.tex
\begin{multicols}{2} % \begin{multicols}{#columns}[header text][space]
\begin{footnotesize} % scriptsize(7) < footnotesize(8) < small (9) < normal (10)
\printnomenclature[1.5cm] % [] = distance between entry and description
\label{nom} % target name for links to glossary
%: --------------------------------------------------------------
% --------------------------------------------------------------
% the main text starts here with the introduction, 1st chapter,...
\renewcommand{\chaptername}{} % uncomment to print only "1" not "Chapter 1"
%: ----------------------- subdocuments ------------------------
% Parts of the thesis are included below. Rename the files as required.
% But take care that the paths match. You can also change the order of appearance by moving the include commands.
\include{1_introduction/introduction} % background information
\include{2/aims} % aims of the project
\include{7/discussion} % discussion of results
\include{8/materials_methods} % description of lab methods
% --------------------------------------------------------------
%: BACK MATTER: appendices, refs,..
% --------------------------------------------------------------
% the back matter: appendix and references close the thesis
%: ----------------------- bibliography ------------------------
% The section below defines how references are listed and formatted
% The default below is 2 columns, small font, complete author names.
% Entries are also linked back to the page number in the text and to external URL if provided in the BibTex file.
% PhDbiblio-url2 = names small caps, title bold & hyperlinked, link to page
% --------------------------------------------------------------
% Various bibliography styles exit. Replace above style as desired.
% in-text refs: (1) (1; 2)
% ref list: alphabetical; author(s) in small caps; initials last name; page(s)
%\bibliographystyle{Latex/Classes/PhDbiblio-case} % title forced lower case
%\bibliographystyle{Latex/Classes/PhDbiblio-bold} % title as in bibtex but bold
%\bibliographystyle{Latex/Classes/PhDbiblio-url} % bold + www link if provided
%\bibliographystyle{Latex/Classes/jmb} % calls style file jmb.bst
% in-text refs: author (year) without brackets
% ref list: alphabetical; author(s) in normal font; last name, initials; page(s)
%\bibliographystyle{plainnat} % calls style file plainnat.bst
% in-text refs: author (year) without brackets
% (this works with package natbib)
\bibliographystyle{Latex/Classes/apa} % Title is link if provided
\renewcommand{\bibname}{References} % changes the header; default: Bibliography
\bibliography{9_backmatter/references} % adjust this to fit your BibTex file
% --------------------------------------------------------------
% according to Dresden med fac summary has to be at the end
%: Declaration of originality
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Good Translation Resource
Good review here
October 2004
July 2006
August 2006
May 2007
June 2007
September 2007
October 2007
November 2007
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