
Monday, February 23, 2009


Most Updated Tex file

% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
%                   LATEX TEMPLATE FOR PhD THESIS
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------

% based on Harish Bhanderi's PhD/MPhil template, then Uni Cambridge
% http://www-h.eng.cam.ac.uk/help/tpl/textprocessing/ThesisStyle/
% corrected and extended in 2007 by Jakob Suckale, then MPI-CBG PhD programme
% and made available through OpenWetWare.org - the free biology wiki

%: Style file for Latex
% Most style definitions are in the external file PhDthesisPSnPDF.
% In this template package, it can be found in ./Latex/Classes/
\usepackage{D:/R-2.4.1/share/texmf/Sweave}%added 17:08 21Feb
%: Macro file for Latex
% Macros help you summarise frequently repeated Latex commands.
% Here, they are placed in an external file /Latex/Macros/MacroFile1.tex
% An macro that you may use frequently is the figuremacro (see introduction.tex)

%: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
%:                  TITLE PAGE: name, degree,..
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
% below is to generate the title page with crest and author name

%if output to PDF then put the following in PDF header
    \pdfinfo { /Title  (PhD and MPhil Thesis Classes)
               /Creator (TeX)
               /Producer (pdfTeX)
               /Author (YourName your@email.net)
               /CreationDate (D:YYYYMMDDhhmmss)  %format D:YYYYMMDDhhmmss
               /ModDate (D:YYYYMMDDhhmm)
               /Subject (xyz)
               /Keywords (add, your, keywords, here) }
    \pdfcatalog { /PageMode (/UseOutlines)
                  /OpenAction (fitbh)  }

\title{Online processing of source text in translation}

% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
% The section below defines www links/email for author and institutions
% They will appear on the title page of the PDF and can be clicked
%  \cityofbirth{born in XYZ} % uncomment this if your university requires this
%  % If city of birth is required, also uncomment 2 sections in PhDthesisPSnPDF
%  % Just search for the "city" and you'll find them.

  % The crest is a graphics file of the logo of your research institution.
  % Place it in ./0_frontmatter/figures and specify the width
% If you are not creating a PDF then use the following. The default is PDF.
  \author{Ya-shyuan Jin}
%  \cityofbirth{born in XYZ}
  \university{The University of Edinburgh}


%\renewcommand{\submittedtext}{change the default text here if needed}
\degree{Philosophi\ae Doctor (PhD), DPhil,..}
\degreedate{year month}

% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
% turn of those nasty overfull and underfull hboxes

%: --------------------------------------------------------------
%:                  FRONT MATTER: dedications, abstract,..
% --------------------------------------------------------------



% sets line spacing
\baselineskip=18pt plus1pt

%: ----------------------- generate cover page ------------------------

\maketitle  % command to print the title page with above variables

%: ----------------------- cover page back side ------------------------
% Your research institution may require reviewer names, etc.
% This cover back side is required by Dresden Med Fac; uncomment if needed.

1. Reviewer: Name

2. Reviewer: 

Day of the defense:

\hspace{70mm}Signature from head of PhD committee:

%: ----------------------- abstract ------------------------

% Your institution may have specific regulations if you need an abstract and where it is to be placed in the document. The default here is just after title.


% The original template provides and abstractseparate environment, if your institution requires them to be separate. I think it's easier to print the abstract from the complete thesis by restricting printing to the relevant page.
% \begin{abstractseparate}
%   \input{Abstract/abstract}
% \end{abstractseparate}

%: ----------------------- tie in front matter ------------------------


%: ----------------------- contents ------------------------

\setcounter{secnumdepth}{3} % organisational level that receives a numbers
\setcounter{tocdepth}{3}    % print table of contents for level 3
\tableofcontents            % print the table of contents
% levels are: 0 - chapter, 1 - section, 2 - subsection, 3 - subsection

%: ----------------------- list of figures/tables ------------------------

\listoffigures % print list of figures

\listoftables  % print list of tables

%: ----------------------- glossary ------------------------

% Tie in external source file for definitions: /0_frontmatter/glossary.tex
% Glossary entries can also be defined in the main text. See glossary.tex

\begin{multicols}{2} % \begin{multicols}{#columns}[header text][space]
\begin{footnotesize} % scriptsize(7) <>

\printnomenclature[1.5cm] % [] = distance between entry and description
\label{nom} % target name for links to glossary


%: --------------------------------------------------------------
%:                  MAIN DOCUMENT SECTION
% --------------------------------------------------------------

% the main text starts here with the introduction, 1st chapter,...

\renewcommand{\chaptername}{} % uncomment to print only "1" not "Chapter 1"

%: ----------------------- subdocuments ------------------------

% Parts of the thesis are included below. Rename the files as required.
% But take care that the paths match. You can also change the order of appearance by moving the include commands.

\include{1_introduction/introduction} % background information
\include{2/aims} % aims of the project

\include{7/discussion}               % discussion of results

\include{8/materials_methods}        % description of lab methods

% --------------------------------------------------------------
%:                  BACK MATTER: appendices, refs,..
% --------------------------------------------------------------

% the back matter: appendix and references close the thesis

%: ----------------------- bibliography ------------------------

% The section below defines how references are listed and formatted
% The default below is 2 columns, small font, complete author names.
% Entries are also linked back to the page number in the text and to external URL if provided in the BibTex file.

% PhDbiblio-url2 = names small caps, title bold & hyperlinked, link to page 

% --------------------------------------------------------------
% Various bibliography styles exit. Replace above style as desired.

% in-text refs: (1) (1; 2)
% ref list: alphabetical; author(s) in small caps; initials last name; page(s)
%\bibliographystyle{Latex/Classes/PhDbiblio-case} % title forced lower case
%\bibliographystyle{Latex/Classes/PhDbiblio-bold} % title as in bibtex but bold
%\bibliographystyle{Latex/Classes/PhDbiblio-url} % bold + www link if provided

%\bibliographystyle{Latex/Classes/jmb} % calls style file jmb.bst
% in-text refs: author (year) without brackets
% ref list: alphabetical; author(s) in normal font; last name, initials; page(s)

%\bibliographystyle{plainnat} % calls style file plainnat.bst
% in-text refs: author (year) without brackets
% (this works with package natbib)

\bibliographystyle{Latex/Classes/apa} % Title is link if provided
\renewcommand{\bibname}{References} % changes the header; default: Bibliography
\bibliography{9_backmatter/WM_Language} % adjust this to fit your BibTex file

% --------------------------------------------------------------

% according to Dresden med fac summary has to be at the end

%: Declaration of originality


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